How Easy to Check for Plagiarism in Microsoft Word

How to Check for Plagiarism in WordMicrosoft Word has undergone several changes since its inception in 1983 in order to evolve into the robust document editing suite that it is today. Knowing how to check for plagiarism in Word is essential whether you’re a content writer, marketer, or website owner and want to be sure that the material you produce or get is genuinely human and original. This essay will assist you in doing that. Let us dive straight in!

The Pathetic Origins of Microsoft Word

It might surprise you to hear that the Macintosh computer was the platform for the initial release of Microsoft Word. Since then, other iterations—referred to as 2.0, 3.0, and so forth—have started to take shape. Microsoft transitioned to a year-based version formatting around the time of the release of Windows 95 in the late 1990s. By releasing new versions every few years, Microsoft was also able to maintain the impression that it was at the forefront of technology.

Though it’s hard to imagine that we ever lived without capabilities like tables and automatic document recovery, Microsoft Word’s evolution from a basic word processor to a more feature-rich component of an office suite demonstrates just how advanced communication has gotten in the modern day.

The 2020 version of Microsoft Office 365 marked the introduction of AI-powered features for the first time, including “Ideas” that assist in suggesting ideas for more breakthroughs. The intelligent assistant in Word can aid you with various tasks, such as translating and dictating text in 60 different languages and customizing your CV for a particular job. The corporation has fully adopted AI technologies as a core component of Word.

How to Check for Plagiarism in Word

Plagiarism has always been an issue, of course, but we are only now fully capable of utilizing technologies like artificial intelligence to enhance our work. As a result, it is now harder to detect plagiarism since AI can get content from a variety of online sources, such as books, PDFs, photos, and more. Simply doing a text comparison or looking for occasions where the text of two documents matches is no longer sufficient. Microsoft Word has evolved to take use of AI at the same rate as it has.

Because of this, plagiarism checkers are now even more adept at identifying instances of plagiarism via ChatGPT and other AI writing tools. In 2020, Office 365 customers started to progressively receive Microsoft’s Similarity Checker as a response to the persistent problem of plagiarism. Interestingly, it looks to provide advice and recommendations to the writer on whether to directly quote and when to cite sources rather than drawing attention to possible plagiarism in a negative way. Naturally, the author retains complete discretion over whether or not to put these suggestions into practice.

Similarity Checker

Updates are always coming out since Office 365 and Word 365 alongside it are subscription-based products instead of stand-alone programs. Including a feature like this frees up writers and content creators from having to stop what they’re doing to figure out the proper citation style when they’re “in the zone,” as finding and inserting the correct type of citation can often be difficult and distract from writing. Everyone benefits from the information being more real and reputable, writers and content makers get to acknowledge the experts, and original authors receive recognition.

Select Editor under the Home menu in Microsoft Word to utilize the Similarity Checker. Find Similarity in the Editor window and select Check for Similarity to Online Sources. Remember that Similarity Checker is only accessible for texts written in English as of this writing.

Upon completion of the check, the Similarity Checker will display the proportion of your text that has similarities with other text samples that it has discovered. It also identifies the sections of your document that require inspection. The Similarity Checker will provide recommendations for places to add citations as you go over each one. You have the option to follow or disregard its recommendations.

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