How To Make Yogurt From Raw Milk How To Make Yogurt From Raw Milk. Yogurt is a milk drink made through a fermentation process with two types of bacteria. It consists of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Both bacteria can convert lactose acid into lactic acid. After that, there is a decrease in pH which forms a clot which is caused by the coagulation of milk proteins from acid. In the manufacturing process, it uses real milk as the basic ingredient and other additional ingredients, starting from skim milk and rim. This aims to increase nutritional value, sweetener, stabilizer, flavor and coloring. So, how do you make yogurt from these ingredients? Come on, see the explanation below.

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Yoghurt is usually used as a food ingredient for a healthy lifestyle. This is because it contains lactobacillus, B vitamins, minerals and protein. Consuming it regularly can improve digestion, maintain healthy skin and immunity. The following are the benefits that can be obtained from consuming yoghurt, including:

  1. Improves the Immune System
  2. Maintain healthy bones and teeth
  3. Helps overcome hypertension
  4. Maintains a healthy digestive system
  5. Improve sleep quality
  6. Reduces the risk of cancer
  7. Improves brain function
  8. Maintains heart health
  9. Improves mood
  10. Relieves Vaginal Infections
  11. Control Body Weight
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How To Make Yogurt From Raw Milk

The following is how to make yogurt from these ingredients, including:

1. Prepare Tools and Manufacturing Materials

The first step is to prepare the ingredients first. Starting from 1000 ml of fresh milk (whole milk or skim milk), 2 tablespoons of plain (containing probiotic bacteria or bacteria that are still alive) and a large jar with a lid.

2. How To Make

The steps that can be taken to make yoghurt from these ingredients include:

  • First, you can pour in the milk that has been prepared previously. Then, put it in a pan and heat it over low heat. Stir slowly. But don’t heat the milk until it boils, okay? Before boiling, that is, approximately 30 minutes after heating. After that, remove the milk and cool it to a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius.
  • Second, take a glass of milk and add plain yoghurt. Then, stir until the yoghurt is mixed evenly with the milk. After that, pour both of them into the milk that has been added to the pan. Stir until everything is evenly mixed.
  • Third, pour the milk into the jar that has been prepared previously and close it tightly. This has entered the fermentation process. Then, let it sit until it reaches a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or approximately seven hours. After that, cool it so it lasts longer.
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3. Important Tips

There are several tips that can be applied in the manufacturing process, including:

  • First, you can heat the milk to a temperature of around 70-80 degrees Celsius or for approximately 15-30 minutes. This aims to ensure that the bacteria in the milk die and do not damage the nutrition in the milk.
  • Second, you can ensure the fermentation process uses an airtight place or container. This aims to speed up the fermentation process.

That is the interesting explanation above that can be conveyed regarding how to make yogurt from raw milk. So, hopefully after reading the discussion in this article you can understand it well, use it as an additional reference, increase your knowledge and insight. Then, and in the future it can be useful and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.