How To Make Soy Bean Sauce

Luxembourgguidelines.orgHow To Make Soy Bean Sauce. Soybeans are a type of leguminous plant that is the basic ingredient for various foods. Starting from milk, soy sauce, tofu and tempeh. The content contained in these nuts contains nine types of essential amino acids. Then, it is obtained from its status as a high protein food ingredient. Apart from that, it also has a low saturated fat content, lots of vitamin C and folic acid. Furthermore, there are nutrients that are complete with fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin and potassium. The interesting fact is that soybeans can also be used as a basic ingredient in making chili sauce or sauce. Then, how is it made? Come on, see the explanation in the article below.

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Benefits of Soybeans

The following are some of the benefits you get when consuming these nuts, including:

  • Soybeans have a higher fat content. So, it can help to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body. In addition, it plays a role in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis (inflammation of the blood vessels).
    Then, there is fiber content which can clean excess cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Fiber stimulates muscle contractions in nuts which can improve digestion and prevent constipation. Apart from that, the carbohydrate content can also stimulate the production of healthy probiotic bacteria in the intestines.
  • By getting used to consuming soybeans every day. This can reduce breast, uterine, prostate, intestinal cancer and so on.
  • The pinitol compound produced from processed soybeans has the ability to increase the number of insulin receptors produced in the body. With the right amount of consumption, soybeans can help lower blood sugar levels, thereby helping treat or prevent diabetes.
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How To Make Soy Bean Sauce

The following are the steps you can take to make soybean sauce, including:


  • 500 gr soybeans
  • 500 gr large chilies
  • 500 gr ginger
  • 500 ml oil
  • 30 gr salt
  • 50 gr granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce

Langkah Pembuatan:

  • Step one First, boil the soybeans until cooked but not too soft (soak them overnight). Then, drain for ten minutes.
  • The second step, prepare the chilies and ginger. Then, all the ingredients are finely sliced ​​(as fine as possible). Next, add lime leaves to make it more fragrant.
  • The second step, prepare the chilies and ginger. Then, all the ingredients are finely sliced ​​(as fine as possible). Next, add lime leaves to make it more fragrant.
  • Fourth step, get it Add salt, sugar, soy sauce and wait until it cools.
  • Fifth step, Once it’s cold, just pour it into the bottles one by one (it is recommended to use glass bottles which are cleaner and don’t change the taste).
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That is the interesting explanation above that can be conveyed about how to make soy bean sauce. Hopefully after reading the discussion in this article, you can understand it well, use it as an additional reference, increase your knowledge and insight. And in the future, it can be useful and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.