How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Fabric Step by Step !

How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Fabric – Applying acrylic paint to canvas will produce beautiful works. However, acrylic paint can be a problem when it comes to fabric. Acrylic paint not only gets dirty, but ruins the appearance of the fabric. Luckily, removing acrylic paint from fabric is easy as long as it’s still wet.

However, acrylic paint can be difficult to remove once it dries, and may not even remove all of it. This is because the pigments in acrylic paint are dissolved in a polymer solution which can dissolve in air when wet, but remains water resistant when dry. Therefore, immediately clean the acrylic paint stain with cold running water to make it easier and faster to clean. The best option for removing dried acrylic paint from fabric is to use isopropyl alcohol. Although other cleaning agents, such as ammonia, acetone, or paint solvents, can also be used to dissolve acrylic paint, they are better suited to hard surfaces than textiles.

Keep in mind, isopropyl alcohol, ammonia, acetone, and paint solvents are flammable. When using one of these products to treat stains on fabric, be sure to rinse off the excess under cold running water first before washing to avoid the risk of fire. Additionally, avoid using products with a high air concentration, such as vinegar or window cleaner, as the air content may reduce their effectiveness in treating undissolved stains.

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How to remove acrylic paint from fabric

1. Rinse immediately with cold water

Immediately rinse the acrylic paint off the fabric by holding the fabric under cold running water. Avoid allowing air to flow through the back of the fabric so that the acrylic paint is pushed out and away from the fabric, rather than continuing to absorb into the fabric. If the paint stain is very large, it is best to remove the paint from the fabric using a plastic spoon or paper towel before rinsing with air.

2. Treat the stain first

Next, the way to remove wet acrylic paint from fabric is to treat the stain first. Use a laundry stain remover or liquid detergent as the first step in removing acrylic paint stains. Washing the fabric After the acrylic paint stain is removed, wash the fabric as usual using air according to the temperature recommended on the care label.

3. Check the stain before drying

Finally, the way to remove wet acrylic paint from fabric is to check the stain before drying. Be sure to check that the acrylic paint stain has completely disappeared after washing. Avoid putting the cloth in the dryer because it can make the acrylic paint stain more difficult to remove. If there are still stains remaining, do the stain removal process again until the acrylic paint stain is completely gone.

How to remove dried acrylic paint from fabric

1. Scrape off the paint

Once dry, acrylic paint is generally difficult to remove from fabric. To help loosen the stain, use a butter knife or scraper tool to scrape the paint from the fabric.

2. Remove remaining paint

Next, the way to remove dried acrylic paint from fabric is to remove the remaining paint. Use a clean cloth to apply isopropyl alcohol to the stain, then gently rub the stain until the alcohol is absorbed into the paint. Isopropyl alcohol has the ability to damage the top layer of acrylic paint that has dried and is airtight. If the paint pigment transfers from cloth to cloth, the alcohol will help dissolve the paint.

3. Treat the stain

Once the acrylic paint has dissolved, remove the alcohol from the fabric by running it under cold running water, then use a laundry stain remover or liquid detergent to treat any remaining stains. Washing the cloth After the paint stain is removed, wash the cloth as usual with water according to the temperature recommended on the care label.

4. Check the stain before drying

Lastly, the way to remove dried acrylic paint from fabric is to check the stain before drying. Be sure to check whether the paint stains have been removed when washing. If there are any remaining acrylic paint stains, repeat the stain removal process before placing the fabric in the dryer as drying machines can make the stain more difficult to remove.