How To Make Soft Ice How To Make Soft Ice. The food is an product that contains high nutrition, textured and has a sweet taste. This is what makes this food popular with many people. Then, it is served in the form of cones, parfaits and sundaes with various flavors. Apart from that, the composition of the ingredients used is different from hard ice cream because it has unique composition, stability and whippability. In fact, the ingredients used can affect the nutritional value of the ice the cream. So, how do you make easily? Come on, see the explanation in the article below.

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How To Make Soft Ice

The food known as ice cream which has a texture is one of the favorite desserts of various groups, especially Indonesian people. Then, several franchise stores also sell them at affordable prices. The steps for making it include:

# Step 1

  • The first is to prepare the materials needed first. Starting from 397 grams or 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 600 ml of double cream and 1 tsp of vanilla extract.
  • Second, put the sweetened condensed milk, cream, and vanilla extract into a large bowl. Then, beat using a mixer until the mixture is thick and stiff.
  • Third, put the ice cream mixture into the pan. Then, cover using plastic wrap and freeze in the freezer.
  • Fourth, you can add it to taste and freeze it for six hours or until completely frozen.
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# Step 2

  • Fifth, if it is frozen enough. You can pick it up and transfer it to a large bowl.
  • Sixth, beat using a mixer for approximately three minutes or until it becomes smooth and the color is paler. This is done with the aim of breaking up the ice crystals and making the texture softer.
  • Seventh, you can put it back into the baking pan. Next, cover using aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Then, freeze in the freezer for approximately four hours.
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Soft ice cream is a product that can be eaten directly after freezing and does not use a hardening process. Then, food made from milk fat, nonfat milk solids, stabilizers, emulsifiers, sweeteners, water and additions flavor. Soft ice cream has a different ingredient composition from hard ice cream. This is because the product has a unique composition, stability and whippability.

By mixing the right ingredients and processing really will produce good quality ice cream. Then, the composition of the dough has an important influence on the quality of the ice cream produced. Several factors influence the quality of ice cream. Starting from raw materials, processes dough making, freezing process, and packaging process. Next, process Dough making or dough viscosity is an important factor to pay attention to.

That is the interesting explanation above that can be conveyed regarding how to make soft ice. Hopefully after reading the discussion in this article, you can understand it well, use it as an additional reference, increase your knowledge and insight. And in the future it can be useful and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.