How to Make Kratom Tea Step by Step !

How to Make Kratom Tea – For the first time, thousands of individuals are experimenting with kratom. Your colleague may attribute their increased productivity to kratom. Perhaps someone offered you some kratom at a party, or the athletic man at your gym discussed using it before working out.

While kratom’s harsh taste may turn off some people, its purported benefits may appeal to others. If you’ve tried a liquid extract or loose kratom powder, you probably already know that your only option is to attempt to get it down as soon as possible.

Making a delicious cup of kratom tea is a well-liked and traditional strategy to avoid the taste of kratom, however you may always choose to take kratom pills.

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Kratom tea is prepared using dried plant leaves, just like a lot of other herbal teas. in particular, the kratom plant, Mitragyna speciosa. To extract the essence of the kratom leaves, they are first dried, powdered, and then soaked in hot water.

For decades, people in Southeast Asia have been drinking kratom tea, one of the oldest preparations. Locals frequently sip it in the evenings to relax and find solace after exhausting days spent in the sweltering sun. Even during ceremonies and get-togethers in the past, however this custom is dwindling in popularity now.

Due to its calming and mood-supporting properties, kratom tea has recently gained appeal in the natural health and biohacking communities.

How to Make Kratom Tea

You may probably discover just as many recipes and methods for making kratom tea as there are ways to take kratom. Everyone naturally claims that theirs is the greatest in some way!

In light of this, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite techniques and suggestions for improving the flavor of kratom tea. Try these brewing ideas; with a little experience, you could find it to be your new favorite.

It’s okay, you may still reveal to everyone that it’s your “secret recipe.”


Adding a few drops of liquid extract to your tea is perhaps the simplest way to make kratom tea. It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that liquid extract has greater potency than raw leaf powder. A tiny bit at first, then progressively add more until you reach the right strength.


Similar to other teas, there are several ways to brew kratom tea. Using tea bags, infusers, drip coffee makers, or even French presses, you can make coffee. Two more ingenious methods are cold brewing and sun brewing, as the alkaloids in kratom are heat-sensitive.

Using fresh leaves to make Kratom tea

Purchasing dry kratom is necessary if you use it frequently. Fresh leaves are too wet to extract the alkaloids, which makes for a weak kratom tea. Long-term storage might potentially lead to the formation of mold. Nonetheless, if the chance arises, some kratom users might be curious to make their own kratom tea.

Follow these fresh leaf brewing instructions if you happen to have some fresh kratom leaves on hand—perhaps from a trip across Southeast Asia or after receiving some as a memento:

Step 1,

To dry, spread the leaves outside. The process of drying kratom leaves enhances their taste and strength. Place the leaves in a flat, level area such as a tray, and cover with paper towels. Let the leaves dry completely so they become brittle, brown, and curled. When the leaves make a clear “snap” sound and snap neatly rather than bowing, they are ready.

Step 2,

Break apart the leaves. The more finely crushed the leaves are, the more thoroughly they may be extracted in tea, much like with finely ground coffee beans in espresso. The best way to prepare the leaves is to put them in a food processor and pulse them until they are a uniform powder. Alternatively, you may pulverize the leaves using a pestle and mortar or even just your hands.

Step 3,

Add the optional citric acid. Because they don’t contain as much sugar as orange juice, lemon, lime, or grapefruit juice are excellent options. This is an optional step, although the tea tastes stronger because of the lower pH. For every cup of processed leaves, add ¼ tsp. (a standard wedge) of lemon juice.

Step 4,

Make the tea. Use tea bags, simmer loose leaves, or put the powder in a tea infuser. It’s important to always use water that is just below boiling to avoid scorching the leaves and making them even more bitter. For brewing kratom tea, water should be roughly 175°F, or 80°C.