How to Curve Text in Google Slides for Beginner

How Curve Text in Google Slides – You may easily and joyfully make presentations of high quality with presentation software such as Google Slides. With over a dozen themes, an abundance of typefaces, and even video backdrops accessible via drag-and-drop modules, you may customize your presentation in any manner you can think of!

The perfect presentation design necessitates the synchronization of several components, such as typefaces and colors. Sometimes you have to upload media files to Google Slides in order to make the slides interactive or to change the text color without having to alter the entire slide deck. This can be a little awkward at first.

If these objectives don’t currently meet your needs, there are other methods you might still achieve them: On each page, you may choose a certain area with an image as the backdrop fill; when needed, switch to black and white mode to make all the text stand out against dark backgrounds.

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How Curve Text in Google Slides

1. Use Powerpoint

Step 1, Put the text you wish to curve in there.

Start up PowerPoint on Microsoft. After that, choose “Text Box” under the “Insert” menu. Then, as shown, drag the text you want to appear in this freshly formed box, which like a little letterbox on its side.

Step 2, Convert Text to a Circle

After clicking in the text box, choose “Shape Format.” Before continuing, confirm that you have highlighted the necessary changes! Proceed to the “Text Effects” section after that. An option to change the font or size will also show; select your preferred option, but make sure it differs from the way it was formatted originally (highlighted).

Step 3, Shape the Text Box into a SQUARE.

You must adjust the text’s size such that it seems to be a circle. Increase or reduce the width and height of the Word shape format tab until they are equal. However, keep in mind that if we want our letters to seem like circles, we also need to adjust which direction is thicker!

Step 4, Expand the Font Size

In order to construct our circular paragraph, we must first expand the font selections. This is best done after expanding your options in Step 3 above, but before expanding them to their maximum point count—don’t go overboard! New Roman lettering appeared appropriate for my sample text, which uses 60-point Times, as you can see below.

Step 5, 90-degree rotation of the text box

As the picture illustrates, I ultimately decided on a font size of 60. However, there’s a difficulty with starting my statement at an angle as opposed to the previous practice of starting from the left side. Just use the next button to rotate the text box 90 degrees, then move it into place!

Duplicate the Text Box

Next, we have to locate the Slides application on your PC. Perform a sequential search for “Google” and choose it when the results show up like follows:

This will launch Google Slides, which you can use by navigating around its interface using the arrow keys or by using the mouse cursor to click items, as I’ve done here: Before moving on, make careful to determine whether the two circular objects are being picked because they have a similar appearance.

Step 6, Paste the Google Slides Curved Text Box.

Pasting it where you want it in your presentation would be the last step. And voilà! You’ve now mastered using Google Slides’ curve text feature.