How to Add Note to Power Point Easily

Luxembourgguidelines.orgHow To Add Note To Power Point. How to Add Power Point Notes can done easily. The reason is, this application has many advantages. Starting from animations, tables, hyperlinks, and various other features. One of them the notes feature which usually used as a reminder keyword by presentation presenters. Apart from that, it also provides an overview of the important points of the material that will conveyed. So, how do you add notes to the application easily? Come on, see the explanation below.

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Easy Steps to Make Notes in PowerPoint

How to add note to power point. The following some steps that can be taken in adding notes in the application, including:

1. Enter Microsoft Power Point software.

2. Then select the slide you want to use.

3. Choose a blank one so that there is still plenty of space.

4. Then click to add a note.

5. Type speaker notes in the panel.

6. Minimize the size to make it clearer.

7. To do this, click on the PPT taskbar at the bottom.

8. If there are too many notes, you can add more slides.

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How to View Notes in Power Point

To display hidden notes, you can view them in several steps, including:

1. Make sure the projector connected correctly.

2. Repeat the slide show from the beginning.

3. Take a look at the presenter view.

4. The preview will then present itself.

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Advantages of Notes in Power Point

Presentation is something that is very important and must be satisfying. Moreover, making it is not easy because you listen to the material directly when explaining it. For this reason, there are several advantages of features that can make it easier for presenters, including:

1. Easy to Operate

Firstly, it is easy to operate. Power Point is known to have various features and advantages in making it easier for presenters to present the material that will be explained. Interestingly, this application can operated by all groups, including beginners who just learning. Apart from that, there tutorials and steps on the internet that can be accessed as needed.

2. Easy to Export and Import

Both are easy to export and import. This advantage of course that it can use various formats and can moved to any storage. No need for help from other devices because the file size is medium. This means that power points can broadcast using mobile phones. Apart from being profitable, it can also make it easier for presenters who are lazy to take notes. In fact, it can rotated at any time according to needs, flexible and safe for storage.

3. Creating good narratives and comments

Third is to make good narrative and commentary. Various tools and features contained in the application are indeed useful to support activities. Starting from colleges, offices, schools and so on. Then, there are narration and commentary features that can be used to record presentations and add opinions during presentations.

Thus the interesting explanation above that can be conveyed about how to add PowerPoint notes. Hopefully after reading the discussion in this article, you can understand it well, use it as an additional reference, increase your knowledge and insight. And in the future, it can be useful and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.