Best Plants for Beginners, How to Care?

Best Plants for Beginners – Do your homework before heading out to purchase a plant, and pick one that is low maintenance and forgiving of your inexperience. Although you might be tempted, Lisa Eldred Steinkopf, author of Houseplants: The Complete Guide to Choosing, Growing, and Caring for Indoor Plants, advises against purchasing a rare, pricey plant for your first indoor plant.

Not sure what constitutes an easy task? That, of course, depends on your living situation and your level of readiness. However, a simple method to confirm that you can maintain a houseplant is to make sure the plant’s requirements match the conditions you can offer. For instance, if you live in a basement flat and a certain species needs a lot of light, keep looking. Starting small and purchasing one or two low-maintenance plants is also a smart idea. In this manner, you can gain experience with plant maintenance without feeling overwhelmed, and as your confidence increases, you can add more plants to your collection.

And in the event that a plant fails? Remember to try again and don’t give up. According to Steinkopf, there is a plant for every taste and your first choice might not be the right one for you and your environment. Are you prepared to give plant care a go? You are capable of this. Discover which are the top nine houseplants for novices based on expert recommendations below.

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Best Plants for Beginners

1. Pothos

The pothos is a classic starter plant that is so difficult to destroy that it is known as the devil’s ivy. This easy-to-maintain plant can withstand bright, indirect sunlight and even low light levels; just avoid strong, direct sunlight. According to Steinkopf, it is also exceptionally tolerant of sporadic watering. Actually, it’s best to wait until the soil is completely dry before adding any water, and drooping leaves are a good sign that your pothos needs water. The leaves on a pothos can trail several feet, and with practice, you can even teach it to scale a wall or moss pole.

2. Peace lily

The peace lily, which is well-known for its vivid foliage and exquisite white blossoms, prefers large amounts of water at once on an irregular basis. Its lengthy leaves can get drooping if you fall behind, but with regular watering, according to Pangborn, it’s also surprisingly forgiving. Because of its adaptability to both low and high indirect light, the peace lily is a fantastic choice for beginners.

3. Best Plants for Beginners: Bromeliad

The flowering bromeliad is a great option if you want to add some color to your environment, according to Bloomscape plant expert Lindsay Pangborn. The bromeliad is ideal for novices acclimating to plant-care routines since it is more resilient than many other flowering plants and can withstand erratic watering regimens. According to Pangborn, “plant parents can always keep the center of the plant, referred to as the ‘vase,’ filled halfway with water.” The bromeliad will only require watering when its soil is totally dry after this is finished.

4. Kangaroo fern

The thick, hard fronds of the kangaroo fern can withstand a wide range of lighting conditions, with the exception of areas that get a lot of direct sunshine. If you’re not good at remembering to water your plants, Pangborn says this type of fern can also withstand a few dry spells. However, it should watered when roughly 25% of the soil feels dry. Look out for dead fronds to promote healthy development. “Use clean, sharp shears to cut their stems at the soil line if you see any,” advises Pangborn.