How to Put a Paywall on Google Drive Server

How to Put a Paywall on Google Drive Server – There are a few undocumented Google proxy servers that could be able to assist you in reading a website if you are having problems accessing it due to firewall restrictions at work or paywalls.

All of these Google proxies download the page’s content to Google servers before serving it to you when you view any desired page through them. Even the less well-known proxy, which will be covered later, lets you download online pages, films, and other types of documents that are normally restricted.

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How to Put a Paywall on Google Drive Server

1. Google Translate as a Proxy

Set the source language to anything other than the destination language and the destination language to the actual language of the page to utilize Google Translate as a proxy. For example, in the translate URL, set the source language (sl) to “ja” for Japanese and the destination language (tl) to “en” if you want to view an English-language page.

Google Translate: URL is

Benefit: As long as the sites delivering the CSS and pictures aren’t prohibited where you live, you can download webpages that appear just like the original. This is the most widely used Google proxy.

2. Google Web Light Engine as a Proxy

The Mobilizer service from Google comes next on the list. Although Google has stopped offering the primary mobilizer service on (protected), you may still access it by visiting any Google domain that is relevant to your region, such as or That would be the URL:

lite_url= https://googleweblight.comThe URL is

The mode is ideal for reading text-heavy pages and allows you to disable inline pictures for speedier download, but it does not preserve the presentation (CSS). In the event that none of the aforementioned proxies function, you may always use the more sophisticated Google App Engine or this Google Script to build your own proxy server or check the Google Cache.

3. Use a Google Chrome or Firefox Extension

Although paywalls can be a bothersome barrier to get over, reading news articles on news websites can be a terrific way to stay up to date on current events. Although there are easy ways to remove paywalls, a hard paywall might completely prohibit access to news content. Using a paywall bypass plugin that is compatible with web browsers like Google Chrome is one way.

Bypassing paywalls automatically, this plugin enables users to read news items for free. Readers may simply view news articles without worrying about running across a barrier and being prevented from accessing material by employing a paywall bypass. Both Firefox and Google Chrome have plugins that let your browser bypass paywalls.

Bypass is the name of the paywall-evading addon for Google Chrome. It is available on GitHub and the Google Chrome online store. Bypass operates by gaining access to the website’s cached version, which is unblockable by a paywall. It just takes a few clicks to install Bypass, which is a useful method for getting around paywalls to access material.

Unpaywall is an additional Chrome plugin that enables you to browse content behind a paywall without a membership.

Click the Add to Chrome button after typing “Unpaywall” into the search field on the Extensions page in Chrome to install it.

Reader Mode is another useful Google Chrome addon for overcoming paywalls. While Reader Mode isn’t strictly a paywall bypassing tool—rather, it arranges articles in a way that enhances comfort and eliminates distractions, and it comes with reading aids tailored for dyslexics—it is often effective in getting access to information that is beyond paywalls.

You may use the Bypass Paywalls Clean plugin for Mozilla Firefox if you use that browser. It is incredibly successful at getting past paywalls and features an easy one-click installation approach that is free of cost.

The “About this extension” part of Bypass Paywalls Clean also suggests that users who frequently use their tool to access information from the same website consider subscribing to a service since “free press can’t sustained without money.”

Lastly, you may attempt Hover. With the express intention of circumventing paywalls, Hover is an open-source browser plugin that is compatible with the majority of browsers. Although it is no longer available in the Chrome Web Store, you may still find and install this extension on GitHub.