How To Grow Enoki Mushrooms

Luxembourgguidelines.orgHow To Grow Enoki Mushrooms. Enokitake mushrooms or what are known as enoki are a type of mushroom that has a shape like bean sprouts. This mushroom has a delicious, chewy and soft taste. Enoki mushrooms can be processed into soupy food. Economically, this mushroom has quite a high selling value. Many people are interested in enoki mushrooms because they have a delicious taste. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to cultivate enoki mushrooms.

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How To Grow Enoki Mushrooms

Enoki mushrooms are a plant that has quite complete nutritional content. Then, starting from carbohydrates, potassium, vitamins, water, phosphorus, niacin, and others. To grow enoki mushrooms, beginners can follow these instructions.

1. Prepare Equipment

Before starting to plant enoki mushrooms, you should prepare the equipment first. The equipment needed includes enoki mushroom seeds, mushroom tubs, a rack for placing mushrooms, 70% alcohol, pH paper, and tweezers. Apart from that, enoki mushroom seeds also need a planting medium. The planting media needed includes a mixture of sawdust, husks, straw, dolomite lime and fertilizer.

2. Making Planting Media

In order for enoki to grow well, a planting medium is needed. Then, to make planting media, beginners must first know the environmental conditions that can support the growth of this fungus. Enoki can grow at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, the humidity of the planting medium is 70%, the pH of the normal planting medium is between 6.5-7, and the air circulation in the planting room is good. A guide to making your own enoki planting medium is as follows.

  • Cut the straw into small pieces. Soak the straw in clean water for 3-4 days.
  • Mix 50 kg of straw, 50 kg of sawdust, 10 kg of rice bran, 2 kg of area fertilizer, 4 kg of dolomite lime until evenly mixed.
  • Try to keep the humidity of the planting medium at 70-80%. To check the moisture level, squeeze the mixture with your hand. If it forms a ball and clumps perfectly, then the humidity is appropriate.
  • Measure the acidity level of the planting medium with pH paper. If the pH is below 6.5 add dolomite lime. If it is above 6.5 then add rice bran.
  • If the pH is appropriate, put the planting medium in a glass bottle until it solidifies.
  • Sterilize glass bottles by steaming them in the drum for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • After 6 hours, let it sit for a while until the water vapor comes out, then let it cool.
  • Insert the planting media bottle into the planting room and wait for 3-4 days.
  • Discard contaminated growing media. Sterile planting media is suitable for use.
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3. Planting Seeds Enoki Mushrooms

After obtaining sterile planting media, the next step is to plant enoki mushroom seeds. Follow these instructions to plant enoki mushroom seeds correctly.

  • Heat the tweezers with a spirit lamp.
  • Heat or burn the mouth of the bottle over medium heat.
  • Insert the enoki seeds into the planting medium.
  • Cover it with cotton.
  • Close the room so that the growing medium containing the mushrooms is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Do not water the enoki during the planting process for 3 days.

4. Maintenance and Care

The next step in how to grow enoki mushrooms is maintenance and care. This stage only consists of the process of watering and moving to the kumbung. The correct way to maintain and care for enoki mushrooms includes the following.

a. Sprinkling

The watering process begins when the mycelium grows. Watering is done once a day in the morning and evening. Then, watering frequency can be increased if the weather is hot. Do not water directly on the mushroom plants.

b. Transfer To The Barn

This process begins when the fungal mycelium has filled ¾ of the bottle of planting medium. Then, move the bottle to the kumbung and take the cotton covering the bottle. Water regularly so that the humidity of the kumbung is in the range of 80-85%.

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So, hopefully after reading the discussion in this article you can understand it well, use it as an additional reference, increase your knowledge and insight. Then, and in the future it can be useful and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.