Best Face Painting Tips for Beginner

Face Painting Tips – It has taken me years to become proficient at face painting and to attain a certain level of confidence. By trial and error, I got through the first year. And there were a ton of mistakes! Of course, mastering a skill requires time and effort. Learning is a process. But I believe I could have had a lot more confidence and possibly a lot more employment that first year if I had simply known these few pointers that I’m about to share with you.

Now, certain approaches require a great deal of repetition. I find it hard to believe that anyone can take up a face painting brush and create an impeccable princess crown on their first attempt. Thus, these suggestions shouldn’t be used in place of tried-and-true methods. However, they will set you up for success and help you become a proficient face painter.

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Face Painting Tips


To become a skilled face painter, you will need to master two techniques: swirls and teardrops. Even while it does not seem like a tough ability to pick up, most inexperienced face painters find this to be challenging. Remember that swirls and teardrops are not exclusive to princes’ crowns. In reality, the stripes on the cat mask below are really a different style of teardrops.

These are some tips that will make a big difference in your technique.

Before beginning to paint your swirls or teardrops, make sure the paint on your brush has the proper consistency. While water is necessary for the activation of all water-based face paints, some demand a bit more effort than others. Use your wet brush to swirl it around in the pan a few times to acquire the proper consistency if your white face paint is not producing opaque lines.

Make sure the paint has a beautiful, thick consistency by testing it on the back of your hand. You have too much water on your brush if face paint drops. If so, simply dab your brush on a fresh cloth while sharpening the tip of the brush. After that, you can begin. Using a round brush, press down to start creating a teardrop, and then slowly pull the brush off the skin. A line that starts thick and finishes sharply is what you want. If the face paint is not applying easily, try dipping your brush in clean water and swirling it through the paint once again.

Try again after reapplying the face paint.

Creating swirls is a lot like creating teardrops. The method you’ll employ to curve the line is the same. Recall to press and pull up onto the very tip of your brush to change the thickness of the lines.


It’s likely that your first few face painting sessions will make you feel a little anxious if you are a novice. If so, go to my previous advice. Or perhaps, shortly before your gig, you just drank too much coffee! Naturally, it’s quite difficult to paint swirls, contours, or whiskers with a trembling hand. There’s a simple solution for whatever is causing your hands to shake. As you paint, simply place your working hand’s pinkie finger on the subject’s forehead.

Even when my hands are steady, I always employ this method. This approach, I find, also provides me with a small warning in case the youngster makes a quick facial movement. I can hardly pick up my brush in time to avoid making a mistake.