How to Make a Weighted Blanket Step by Step

How to Make a Weighted Blanket – Weighted blankets are available in many sizes and are filled with material that adds several pounds to its weight over a standard blanket. They can be especially helpful in calming down those with special needs who struggle to go asleep. It might be consoling to feel the weight like a tight hug. Those with insomnia also use them, and occupational therapists frequently suggest them for patients with sensory-processing disorders.

You may create your own with cuddly fabric and a weighted filling, however these blankets can be quite costly. This project is best suited for intermediate sewers since weighing the blanket takes more care than simple straight line stitching, which should just take a few hours to accomplish.

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What is Necessary

Equipment / Tools

  • Kitchen scale
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Tailor’s chalk or your favorite marking tool
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine


  • Durable fabric for the front and back
  • Plastic filler beads (so the blanket is washable)
  • Quality thread

How to Make a Weighted Blanket

Step 1, Establish the Weight and Size of Your Blanket.

It’s not necessary for a weighted blanket to be as big as a comforter or quilt. All that needs to happen is that it should protect the user. You will stitch squares onto the cloth to hold the weighted filler in place. These can have an area of three to five square inches. Accordingly, the total fabric measures have to be more than your square size plus an additional 4 inches for the edges. The blanket in the pictures, for instance, has squares that measure three square inches. Its dimensions are 61 inches high (3×19+4=57) and 37 inches wide (3×11+4=37).

Weighted blankets should generally be 10% of the user’s body weight. An occupational therapist can assist you in determining the ideal weight if you’re building a weighted blanket for a particular purpose. After determining the required total weight, convert it to ounces and deduct the fabric’s weight. Divide the outcome by the blanket’s square count. You need this much weight in each square. Each of the 209 squares in the blanket in the pictures contains around one ounce of plastic filler beads.

Step 2, Bind Front and Back Together with Sewing

Make a mark two inches in from each fabric edge. Next, label a square grid according to the square size you choose. (The checkered cloth functioned as the markers in the blanket example.)

With the right sides (the sides that will eventually face out) together with a 3/8-inch seam allowance, sew the front and back pieces together. Sew one short side and two long sides. Keep the lid off.

After that, unzip the seams and flip the blanket right side out. Topstitch 1/4 inch from the edge, beginning and terminating a little way from the open side. Next, stitch along the defined lines 2 inches in from the edge of the cloth, beginning 2 inches from the open side. Sew bottom and both long sides. Stitch in backstitch at start and finish. There will be a grid of weighted squares within this inner topstitching.

Step 3, Sew the Blanket’s Vertical Channels.

After that, stitch each vertical channel along the designated lines. Stitch slightly above the line that is approximately 2 inches from the inner topstitching, starting at the closed bottom edge. Always backstitch at the beginning and conclusion of your stitching, and stop your work just over the upper 2-inch line.

It’s useful to begin sewing these lines in the center, then continue sewing the subsequent lines close to the center of those sections, and so on. By working in this manner, you can lessen the chance of the cloth bunching and the stitching going off course.

Step 4, Use weighted stuffing beads to fill a vertical channel

In a vertical channel, put a measured scoop of filler beads. Keep in mind that the weight of the scoop should be appropriate for the quantity of squares that will be in that channel.

To ensure that the amount is the same across the channel, shake the beads. Some beads may stick in the channels depending on the fabric (flannel has a tendency to stick a lot), but don’t worry too much about it.

Step 5, Sew Horizontally Through the Channel Filled

To keep the filler beads where they are and away from the squares’ designated horizontal line, make a line using pins. A mishap involving one of the beads might break your needle, so avoid sewing over it.

Embroider the indicated horizontal line. Start stitching slightly above the line that falls between the inner topstitching and the seam, about 2 inches away. Make sure you backstitch at both ends and stop your stitching slightly above the opposite side’s inner topstitching.

Support the blanket’s weight while sewing to prevent your stitches from being pulled. As you go, feel along the indicated line and push any stray beads aside. It is likely that a bead got in the way if you encounter any difficulty during stitching. Once all of the lines are sewn, continue filler-ing a vertical channel and stitching horizontally to finish the row of filled squares.

Step 6, Topstitch the Blanket’s Open End

Sew the final row of squares closed when you get to the top of the blanket. This stitching should slightly overhang the inner topstitching line when it meets it. In approximately half an inch, fold the open side’s edges in. Topstitch 1/4 inch from the edge, beginning and stopping where the side topstitching finished.